001 工程测量 engineering survey
002 测量学 surveying
003 普通测量学 elementary surveying
004 地形测量学 topography
005 测量控制网 surveying control network
006 平面控制网(又称“水平控制网”) horizontal control network
007 高程控制网 vertical control network
008 平面控制点 horizontal control point
009 高程控制点 vertical control point
010 平面坐标 horizontal coordinate
011 控制测量 control survey
012 地形测量 topographic survey
013 三边网 trilateration network
014 边角网 triangulateration network
015 导线网 traverse networt
016 三边测量 trilateration survey
017 边角测量 triangulateration
018 导线测量 traverse survey
019 水平角 horizontal angle
020 垂直角 vertical angle
021 点之记 description of station
022 测站 station
023 测站归心 station centring
024 照难点归心 sighting centring
025 照准点 sighting point
026 闭合导线 closed traverse
027 附合导线 connecting traverse
028 支导线 open traverse
029 经纬仪导线 theodolite traverse
030 视差导线s ubtense traverse
031 视距导线 stadia traverse
032 平板仪导线 plane—table traverse
033 距离测量 distance measurement
034 电磁波测距 electro—magnetic distance measurement
035 标准检定场 standard field of length
036 光电测距导线 EDM traverse
037 小三角测量 minor triangulation
038 线形锁 linear triangulation chain
039 线形网 linear triangulation network
040 图根控制 mapping control
041 导线边 traverse leg
042 导线折角 traverse angle
043 导线结点 junction point of traverses
044 导线曲折系数 meandering coefficient of traverse
045 导线角度闭合差 angle closing error of traverse
046 导线全长闭合差 total length closing error of traverse
047 导线相对闭合差 relative length closing error of traverse
048 导线纵向误差 longitudinal error of traverse
049 导线横向误差 lateral error of traverse
050 控制点 control point
051 导线点 traverse point
052 图根点 mapping control point
053 高程点 elevation point
054 碎部点 detail point
055 图解图根点 graphic mapping control point
056 解析图根点 analytic mapping control point
057 坐标增量 increment of coordinate
058 坐标增量闭合差 closing error in coordinate increment
059 前方交会 [forward]intersection
060 侧方交会 side intersection
061 后方交会 resection
062 边角交会法 linear-angular intersection
063 边交会法 linear intersection
064 贝塞尔法 Bessel method
065 莱曼法 Lehmann method
066 横基尺视差法 subtense method with horizontal staff
067 竖基尺视差法 subtense method with vertical staff
068 复测法 repetition method
069 高程控制测量 vertical control survey
070 水难测量 leveling
071 附合水准路线 annexed leveling line
072 闭合水准路线 closed leveling line
073 支水准路线 spur leveling line
074 水准网 leveling network
075 视线高程 elevation of sight
076 多角高程导线 polygonal height traverse
077 独立交会高程点 elevation point by independent intersection
078 高程导线 height traverse
079 严密平差 rigorous adjustment
080 近似平差 approximate adjustment
081 典型图形平差 adjustment of typical figures
082 等权代替法 method of equal-weight substitution
083 多边形平差法 adjustment by method of polygon
084 结点平差 adjustment by method of junction point
085 工程控制网 engineering control network
086 施工控制网 construction control network
087 三维网 three—dimensional network
088 变形观测控制网 control network for deformation observation
089 勘测设计阶段测量 survey in teconnaissance and design stage
090 施工测量 construction survey
091 竣工测量 finish construction survey
092 纵断面测量 profile survey
093 横断面测量 cross-section survey
o5.094 纵断面图 profile [diagram]
095 横断面图 cross-section profile
096 碎部测量 detail survey
097 平板仪测量 plane-table survey
098 经纬仪测绘法 mapping method with transit
099 大比例尺地形图 large scale topographical map
100 小比例尺地形图 small scale topographical map
101 直角坐标网 rectangular gnid
102 矩形分幅 rectangular map—subdivision
103 正方形分幅 square map—subdivision
104 斜距 slope distance
105 平距 horizontal distance
106 地形底图 base map of topography
107 任意轴子午线 arbitrary axis meridian
108 假定坐标系 assumed coordinate system
109 独立坐标系 independent coordinate system
110 变形观测 deformation observation
111 位移观测 displacement observation
112 沉降观测 settlement observation
113 挠度观测 deflection observation
114 倾斜观测 oblique observation, tilt observation
115 地质测量 geological survey
116 勘探网测设 prospecting network layout
117 勘探线测量 prospecting line survey
118 勘探网测量 prospecting network survey
119 勘探基线 prospecting baseline
120 地质点测量 geological point survey
121 井口位置点 point for shaft position
122 钻孔位置测量 bore—hole position survey
123 地质剖面测量 geological profile survey
124 断层位移测量 fault displacement survey
125 区域地质测量 regional geological survey
126 井探工程测量 shaft prospecting engineering survey
127 坑探工程测量 adit prospecting engineering survey
128 勘探线剖面图 prospecting line profile map
129 坑道平面图 adit planimetric map
130 地质剖面图 geological section map
131 矿产图 map of mineral deposits
132 地质略图 geological scheme
133 野外地质图 tield geological map
134 地质草图 geological sketch map
135 影象地质图geological photomap
136 像片地质判读(又称“像片地质解译”) geological interpretation of photograph
137 区地质图 regional geological map
138 测区名称 title of survey area
139 测区代号 code of survey area
140 测区范围 coverage of survey area
141 地应力测量 geostress survey
142 输油管道测量 petroleum pipeline survey
143 地下油库测量 underground oil depot survey
144 石油勘探测量 petroleum exploration survey
145 矿山测量学 mine surveying
146 矿山测量 mine survey
147 矿山地面测量 mine surface survey
148 矿区控制测量 control survey of mining area
149 矿区控制网精度估算 precision estimation for control network of mining area
150 矿区控制网设计 control network design of mining area
151 生产矿井测量 production mine survey production shaft survey
152 联系测量 connection survey
153 立井定向测量 shaft orientation survey
154 几何定向 geometric orientation
155 物理定向 physical orientation
156 定向连接点connection point for orientation, connection point
157 定向投影 orientation projection
158 吊锤投影 projection by suspended plumbing
159 激光投点 laser plumbing
160 稳定锤投影damping—bob for shaft plumbing
161 摆动锤投影 pendulous-bob for shaft plumbing
162 定向连接测量(简称“连接测量”) orientation connection survey
163 瞄直法 sighting line method
164 联系三角形法 connection triangle method
165 直伸三角形(又称“延伸三角形”) straight triangle
166 联系四边形法 connection quadrangle method
167 定向误差 orientation error
168 陀螺定向测量 gyrostatic orientation survey
169 粗略定向 rough orientation
170 精密定向 precise orientation
171 逆转点法 reversal points method
172 悬挂带零位观测 tape zero observation
173 陀螺方位角排 gyro azimuth
174 陀螺仪子午线 gyro meridian
175 陀螺定向误差 gyro orientation error
176 导入高程测量 induction height survey
177 通过立井导入高程测量 induction height survey through shaft
178 井下测量(又称“矿井测量”) underground survey
179 井下水平控制测量 underground horizontal control survey
180 井下交叉闭合导线 underground closed traverse with overhead crossing
181 陀螺定向光电测距导线 gyro EDM traverse
182 方向附合导线 direction-annexed traverse
183 顶板测点 roof station
184 底板测点 floor station
185 井下高程测量 underground height mersurement
186 点下对中 centring under point
187 采区测量 mining panel survey
188 采区联系测量 connection survey in mining panel
189 巷道碎部测量 detail survey of workings
190 采场测量 stop survey
191 井下空硐测量 underground cavity survey
192 露天矿测量 opencast survey
193 采掘场验收测量 check-acceptance survey of open pit
194 技术境界标定 setting-out of technical edge
195 露天矿爆破工作测量 blasting survey of open pit
196 垦复测量 reclamation survey
197 矿场标定 setting-out of mining yard
198 井筒中心标定 setting-out of shaft center
199 井筒十字中线标定 setting-out of cross line through shaft center
200 普通凿井法施工测量 construction survey for conventional shaft sinking method
201 边垂线标定 setting-out of side plumb—bob
202 竖井激光指向 laser guide of vertical shaft
203 井筒延伸测量 shaft-deepening survey
204 特殊凿井法施工测量 construction survey for special method of shaft sinking
205 冻结法施工测量 construction survey for freezing method of shaft sinking
206 冻结壁交圈图 closure plan of ice wall
207 钻井法施工测量 construction survey for shaft drilling
208 沉井法施工测量 construction survey for deep shaft sinking
209 矿井提升设备安装测量 survey for shaft winding plant installation
210 巷道中线标定 setting—out of center line of workings
211 巷道坡度线标定 setting-out of workings slope
212 激光导向仪给向 setting-out of driving workings direction by laser guide
213 交叉点放样(又称“颁岔放样”) setting-out of junction
214 巷道验收丈量 footage measurement of workings
215 贯通测量 holing through survey,breakthrough survey
216 矿床几何[学] mineral deposits geometry
217 矿体几何制图 geometrisation of ore body
218 矿产性质几何制图 geometrisation of mineral property
219 井下勘探测量 underground prospecting survey
220 矿层要素测定 determination of seam elements
221 储量管理 reserve management
222 开采沉陷观测 mining subsidence observation
223 开采沉陷预计 prediction of mining subsidence
224 地表移动观测站 observation station of surface movement
225 移动角 angle of critical deformation
226 边界角 boundary angle, limit angle
227 边坡稳定性观测 observation of slope stability
228 矿山测量图 mining map
229 井田区域地形图 topographic map of mining area
230 矿场平面图 mining yard plan
231 井底车场平面图 shaft bottom plan
232 采掘工程平面图 mining engineering plan
233 主要巷道平面图 main workings plan
234 井上下对照图 surface-underground contrast plan
235 露天矿矿图 opencast mining plan
236 采剥工程断面图 striping and mining engineering profile
237 采剥工程综合平面图 synthetic plan of striping and mining
238 排土场平面图 waste dump plan
239 防排水系统图 water-proof and drainage system plan
240 矿山测量交换图 exchanging documents of mining survey
241 矿层顶板等高线图 contour map of seam roof
242 矿层底板等高线图 contour map of seam floor
243 地表移动曲线图 curve diagram of surface movement
244 开采沉陷图 map of mining subsidence
245 城市测量 urban survey
246 城市控制测量 urban control survey
247 城市地形测量 urban topographic survey
248 城市规划测量 urban planning survey
249 市政工程测量 public works survey
250 建筑工程测量 building works survey
251 公用事业工程测量 utility survey
252 放样测量 setting—out survey
253 定线测量 alignment survey
254 管道测量 pipe survey
255 地下铁道测量s ubway survey, underground railway survey
256 选厂测量 surveying for site selection
257 工厂现状图测量 survey of present state at industrial site
258 飞机场测量 airport survey
259 机场跑道测量 airfield runway survey
260 施工方格网 square control network
261 方格网点 point of square control network
262 主轴线测设 setting-out of main axis
263 建筑轴线测量 building axis survey
264 建筑红线测量 property line survey
265 建筑物沉降观测 building subsidence observation
266 激光准直 laser alignment
267 光学准直 optical alignment
268 地下管线测量 underground pipeline survey
269 顶管测量 underground pipe-driving survey
270 城市地形图 topographic map of urban area
271 带状平面图 plan of a zone
272 管道综合图 synthesis chart of pipelines
273 地形图更新 revision of topographic map
274 城市测量数据库 data base for urban survey
275 水利工程测量 hydrographic engineering survey
276 微三角形法 exiguous triangle method
277 校核基点 checking datum mark
278 起测基点 starting datum mark
279 引张线法 method of tension wire alignment
280 视准线法 collimation line method
281 激光准直法 method of laser alignment
282 小角度法 minor angle method
283 正锤线观测(简称“正锤法”) direct plummet observation
284 倒锤线观测(简称“倒锤法”) inverse plummet observation
285 水库测量 reservoir survey
286 坝址勘查 dam site investigation
287 堤坝施工测量 dam construction survey
288 库容测量 reservoir storage survey
289 水库淹没线测设 setting—out of reservoir flooded line
290 永久界柱 monumented boundary peg
291 临时界桩 nonmonumented boundary peg
292 汇水面积测量catchment area survey
293 渠道测量 canal survey
294 港口工程测量 harbor engineering survey
295 水系图 drainage map
296 道路工程测量 road engineering survey
297 铁路工程测量 railroad engineering survey
298 勘测 reconnaissance survey
299 草测 sketch survey, rough survey
300 初测 preliminary survey
301 定测 location survey
302 线路平面图 route plan
303 平面曲线测设 plane curve location
304 竖曲线测设 vertical curve location
305 圆曲线测设 circular curve location
306 缓和曲线测设 spiral curve location, transition curve location
307 回头曲线测设 hair-pin curve location
308 线路中线测量 center line survey, location of route
309 偏角法 method of deflection angle
310 切线支距法 tangent off—set method
311 弦线支距法 chord off-set method
312 弦线偏距 法method of chord deflection distance
313 面水准测量 area leveling
314 路线水准测量 route leveling
315 中桩水准测量(又称“纵断面水准测量”) profile leveling
316 坡度测设 grade location
317 边坡桩测设 slope stake location
318 既有线站场测量 survey of existing station yard survey
319 道岔测量 turnout survey
320 施工详图 construction details
321 施工平面图 construction plan
322 桥梁测量 bridge survey
323 隧道测量 tunnel survey
324 桥梁控制测量 bridge construction control survey
325 桥梁轴线测设 bridge axis location
326 桥墩定位 location of pier
327 桥涵洞测量 bridge-culvert survey
328 林业测量 forest survey
329 林业基本图 forest basic map
330 林相图stock map, type map
331 森林分布图 forest distribution map
332 林班测量 compartment survey
333 罗盘仪测量 compass survey
334 磁偏角 magnetic declination
335 磁倾角 magnetic dip
336 磁子午线 magnetic meridian
337 真子午线 true meridian
338 磁方位角 magnetic azimuth
339 磁象限角 magnetic bearings
340 乡村规划测量 rural planning survey
341 平整土地测量 survey for land smoothing, survey for land consolidation
342 土地规划测量 land planning survey
343 河道整治测量 river improvement survey
344 灌溉泵站测量 irrigation pumping station survey
345 求积仪法 planimeter method
346 方格法 square method
347 网点板法 grid-point method
348 图解法 graphical method
349 灌区平面布置图 irrigation layout plan
350 地籍 cadastre
351 地籍测量 cadastral survey
352 地籍测量系统 cadastral survey system
353 地籍图 cadastral map
354 地籍册 cadastral lists
355 地籍簿 land register
356 地籍管理 cadastral management
357 地籍测量细则 cadastral survey manual
358 地籍图册 cadastral map series
359 征税地籍 tax cadastre
360 多用途地籍 multipurpose cadastre
361 航测地籍 photogrammetric cadastre
362 数值地籍 numerical cadastre
363 坐标地籍 coordinate cadastre
364 房地产地籍 real estates cadastre
365 地籍修测 cadastral revision
366 地籍更新 renewal of the cadastre
367 地籍调查 cadastral inventory
368 土地整理 land consolidation
369 土地划分 subdivision of land
370 土地评价 land evaluation
371 土地登记 land registration
372 土地统计 statistics of land record
373 土地档案 land archives
374 土地证 certificate of land
375 土地利用 land use
376 土地利用现状图 present land-use map
377 地界测量 land boundary survey
378 地产界测量 property boundary survey
379 自然边界测量 natural boundary survey
380 地类界图 land boundary map
381 标界测量 survey for marking of boundary
382 地块测量 parcel survey
383 界址点 boundary mark, boundary point
384 地块数据库 data base of parcel
385 军事工程测量 military engineering survey
386 军用大比例尺测图 military large scale mapping
387 净空区测量 clearance limit survey
388 导航台定位测量 navigation station location survey
389 军用道路测量 military road survey
390 军用桥梁测量 military bridge survey
391 军用坑道测量 military tunnel survey
392 飞机洞库测量 plane hole survey
393 航艇洞库测量 shipˊs hole survey
394 营房建筑测量 quarter building survey
395 导弹试验场工程测量 engineering survey of missile test site
396 导弹定向测量 missile orientation survey
397 靶道工程测量 target road engineering survey
398 军事基地测量 military base survey
399 军事工程变形观测 deformation observation of military project
400 精密工程测量 precise engineering survey
401 精密工程控制网 precise engineering control network
402 精密测距 precise ranging
403 精密准直 precise alignment
404 精密垂准 precise plumbing
405 环形控制网 ring control network
406 粒子加速器测量 particle accelerator survey
407 精密机械安装测量 precise mechanism installation survey
408 地震台精密测量 precise survey at seismic station